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Title I

Title I

Title I is a program through which most school districts receive federal funding to provide supplemental instruction for students who qualify. The funds for each school district are based on a state formula that is calculated by the number of students from economically disadvantaged homes. However, Title I services provided with federal funds are based on the academic needs of students.

Students who qualify for academic support may be served in the areas of Language Arts and/or Mathematics.

Parental involvement is a critical component in student success. Please, make every effort to get involved in your child’s education and be a partner in their educational experience.

Title I - What is it?

Title I Part A

How are Title I Funds Used in the Mabton?

Title I monies are used to fund, or partially fund reading and math support at Artz-Fox Elementary and Mabton Middle School.Teachers and paraprofessionals at the Middle School and Artz-Fox Elementary are funded or partially funded to provide supplemental instruction to students.

Students are identified for needing additional math support through standardized assessments and teacher recommendation. Students receive intervention during a time slot outside of their core instruction so that the support is supplemental to the core instruction.

This resource is also utilized to help provide instruction and training to help keep our teaching staff trained in effective instructional practices.  Title I dollars are also used to fund summer school.

Your Parental Rights - Information that must be provided

  1. The professional qualifications of teachers and instructional paraprofessionals
  2. Notification if your child's teacher is not highly qualified
  3. Individual students' achievement reports
  4. Notification if a school is a low performing school and has been identified as a Priority, Focus and or Emerging School.  


LEA Report Card: Washington State Report Card

If you find the need to submit a complaint about the state and federal programs within Mabton School District please do so through contacting the programs director, Elyse Mengarelli, or through the process outlined within policy 3210 and procedure 3210P. 


Policy 3210: Nondiscrimination 

Procedure 3210P: Procedure Nondiscrimination


Contact Information


Elyse Mengarelli
Director of State and Federal Programs