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Dual Language

Dual Language


Dual Language is an instructional program with the goal of having students become literate and proficient in both Spanish and English. Classroom instruction is designed to integrate both languages. Studies and research may also refer to the program as Dual Immersion, Two-Way Dual Language, Full Immersion, etc.

Our Program's Intent

We intend our program to be one that focuses on academic excellence by providing literacy and content instruction to all students through two languages while promoting bilingualism and biliteracy, grade level academic achievement, and multicultural competencies for all who are involved.

  • The program will serve more ELL students to meet the need of increased numbers
  • Research shows the it is the most effective academic program for ALL students
  • Enrichment for English speakers
  • Excellent social bridge between cultural groups
  • All students develop a high degree of self-confidence


How It Works

Mabton will implement a modified 80/20 and 50/50 program model to insure that all students become fully bilingual and biliterate through full participation in the program. A new grade will be added each year to the program starting with Pre-K and Kindergarten in 2016. By the end of 2024 school year, grades up to 7th will have Dual-Language classrooms where native speakers of both languages will be intentionally mixed in the classrooms. 

In Prekindergarten, students will be taught through 80% Spanish instruction and 20% English instruction to acclimatize students to learning through Spanish and to promote greater familiarity with Spanish. This is uniquely important because the prevalent language which most students hear outside of their classroom is English.

Kindergarten – Grade 1
In kindergarten and first grades, students will receive their primary literacy instruction in their first language (Spanish or English). Math will be taught in English while science and social studies will be taught in Spanish. Centers, often including social studies and science themes will be utilized to refine instruction and heighten application of math and literacy learning. Bridging of what is being learned in one language into the other language will be taught in English and in Spanish.

Grades 2-6
In second grade through sixth grade, students will receive literacy in both languages. Math will be taught in English while science and Spanish language development will be taught in Spanish. Social studies and science themes taught in both languages will be used to enrich and apply application of math and literacy learning

If you find the need to submit a complaint about the state and federal programs within Mabton School District please do so through contacting the programs director or through the process outlined within policy 3210 and procedure 3210P. 


Policy 3210: Nondiscrimination 

Procedure 3210P: Procedure Nondiscrimination


Contact Information


Elyse Mengarelli
Director of State and Federal Programs

Rosa Benitez
ELL Teacher Coach