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Learning Assistance Program (LAP)

Learning Assistance Program (LAP)

LAP offers supplemental services for K–12 students scoring below grade-level standard in English language arts (ELA) and mathematics. These services focus on accelerating student growth to make progress towards grade level. They may include academic readiness skill development or behavior supports. These services address barriers preventing students from accessing core instruction. The intent is for LAP students to increase academic growth during the period of time they are provided services. LAP emphasizes research-based best practices designed to increase student achievement.

Student Eligibility (RCW 28A.165.015)
A student is eligible for LAP services if he/she scores below grade-level standard in ELA or mathematics. Districts must use multiple measures of performance in determining student eligibility.

K-4 Focus First (RCW 28A.165.005)
Strengthening Student Educational Outcomes (SSEO), ESSB 5946 (2013) and amended by SSB 5803 (2015) included several school and district mandates related to K-4 literacy.

Districts implementing LAP services must:

  1. Focus first on addressing the needs of K–4 students in reading or reading readiness skills;
  2. Use data when developing programs;
  3. Provide the most effective and efficient practices when implementing supplemental instruction; and
    Approximately 50 percent of LAP-enrolled students are in grades K-4 and receiving ELA or readiness services.

Family Literacy Guides and Strategies

  1. A Child Becomes a Reader: Birth through Preschool
  2. A Child Becomes a Reader: Kindergarten through Grade 3
  3. Parent Power: Build the Bridge to Success

If you find the need to submit a complaint about the state and federal programs within Mabton School District please do so through contacting the programs director, Kim Rayl, or through the process outlined within policy 3210 and procedure 3210P. 


Policy 3210: Nondiscrimination 

Procedure 3210P: Procedure Nondiscrimination


Contact Information


Elyse Mengarelli
Director of State and Federal Programs